IHPM | WorkPlace Wellness Alliance Global Steering Group


Institute for Health and Productivity Management


Global Steering Group Partners join with IHPM’s leadership for planning and carrying out special initiatives. The Steering Group is for companies that want to be leaders in developing, implementing, and measuring the results from Health and Productivity Management (HPM) programs. Steering Group Partnership benefits are open to all stakeholders, who thereby:

  • Consult with IHPM leadership to plan employer market access strategy
  • Engage in regular meetings of the IHPM Global Steering Group and Business Leadership Council
  • Collaborate with IHPM leadership to: (a) plan and produce an electronic educational forum, recorded and distributed to IHPM’s employer and healthcare stakeholder networksor (b) make a presentation at an IHPM WorkPlace Wellness Alliance (WPWA) event
  • Receive 5 complimentary registrations for IHPM Forums in USA
  • Participate in IHPM | WPWA Chapter Forums & Initiatives worldwide:  USA, Europe, UK, Middle East, China and Eurasia/Russia

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